Changelist for 0.6.1470
Display / GUI / Server stability Fixes
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the Worlds list from being updated when there was an ended world in the list.
- Potential Display issue with quickly opening and closing dialog boxes fixed
- Occasional Hang ups on the server side has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue that was the route cause of “Known Issue: Map disappearing on update”.
- Map is now correctly updating whenever a new player has joined.
- Selection ring is now correctly updated when clicked on a feudum through the Feudum buttons
- Auto center animation upon logging in wouldn’t work properly and would be too long on bigger maps - removed. It should now just center on your home region instantly.
- Upgrade and downgrade hints for settlements and castles now working properly
- Action Toggles are no longer “jammed” after opening a Dialog.
- Fixed a display issue making Efficiency modifier on Labor Assignments dialog not being refreshed correctly.
- Fixed a display issue which caused Growth Rate and Morale modifiers on the Food Ration dialog to appear incorrectly.
- ...Other smaller stability or layout bugfixes
Game Logic Fixes
- Negative Livestock. The bug that was causing zombie cows has been fixed.
- Players now allowed to set labor assignments in ticks (turns)
- Excess workers will still report to required work even if players set threshold to zero percent (0% means no required minimums, not that they don't have to work if all the other minimums are met).
- Server now correctly updates default labor priorities for Seasons