Incorrectly Generated Coat of Arms

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Mat's picture
Incorrectly Generated Coat of Arms

It has came to our attention that about 10% of the Coat of Arms thumbnails are generated incorrectly, with their top and bottom missing. It doesn't seem related to any particular shape or other design setting and we couldn't yet reproduce the issue on our development configs. 

Cropping/Resizing Bug


If you are affected, we would be very thankful for any additional information you can provide on your configuration either here or through email (bugs at feudums dot com). In particular:

  1. do you have an integrated graphics card? (or: what kind of gfx card you have?)
  2. under what resolution have you used the client? (and full screen or windowed?)
  3. your version of the Windows OS


Thank you!

Mat's picture

Just an update: we have found the root cause of this issue and fixed it. It'll be available in the next client update, but we'll post a reminder here once the updated client is available for the public.

Mat's picture
Fix is available in 0.4.1640 client and onward!

This bug is supposed to be fixed in the updated client.

Please double-check if your Coat of Arms is plagued by this bug and if it does, please fix it by re-uploading your design.

The easieast way to achieve this is to:

  1. slightly modify your House Standard by changing, say, the background color of the Shape,
  2. save it,
  3. then revert your change and save it again (unless you want to keep the modified version).

We're sorry for the inconvencience this bug might have caused to any of them ladies and lords.