What is the most defining strategy/4X games in your life and why?

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Elliott's picture
What is the most defining strategy/4X games in your life and why?

It may be one you haven't played for years, but you're still touched by the concept, game aspect or it's atmosphere....

Théa The Awakening

Théa The Awakening, that game combined the 4x base design with a rpg system and a really interesting card-system fight, + a craft system really funny and interesting to use :)
Moreover this game have a background who is worth to be called a scenario (still not really finished yet), which doesn t really exist in most of 4x game (none in sid meier civ / galactic civ, not really interesting in endless legend) .
AND going in harder difficulty isn t totally broken like in civ (civ 5 hardest difficulty opponent start with 3 settlers with capital city full build + reasearch first era already done + alreadey tile improvment done + army already built). Here it s a matter your civilian / soldier are fewer, less equiped, ennemy are more aggressive, use stronger strategies and basic ressources may not be close to your village at the start, and bigger map who makes the highest quality ressources REALLY HARD to reach.
Note that i managed win this game at hardest difficulty :D (True God of Thea).

But if this game could have an interesting background, which can evolve with players actions by "events", that would be a great add-on to the 4x system :)

Mat's picture
Back on topic :)

I've heard good things of Théa. It's a bit too early to put it into cult status though, while this topic is mostly for the old games :)

As for your comment on EL, so far I understood the concept, the background stories of Endless Legend's factions is to serve an unique spice for each faction and to pose as a less annoying tutorial for faction-related features. In that regard, I personally found the concept rather working for me than not. :)

But, to stay on topic, this topic is rather for the old classics, genre-creating or -altering masterpieces that (desirably) have a relation with what we call the Strategy super-genre today.

Games like Lords of the Realm, Defender of the Crown, Iron Lord (which had more RPG elements/story than DotC), Dune I (that was an adventure/RPG/Strategy hybrid), Megalomania, Powermonger, Syndicate, the original UFO: Enemy Unknown... (or Laser Squad for ultimate old timers), Warhammer: Dark Omen... and so on... There are surely dozens, if not hundred titles to mention! :)

Looks like Mat enjoyed his

Looks like Mat enjoyed his Amiga quite a bit.


Didn't notice that this was a topic only reserved to oldster :), maybe because i am less than 30 that i can't talk about everything you mentioned ;)
But you're right that's a bit too early for TTW.

I'm getting old

I think the first true strategy game I played was Age of Empires (yes, the first game in the series). The idea of being able to manage an entire nation (if you can call it as much) grasped me in a way that not many games after have. And it came with an editor as well! Needless to say, much time was spent endlessly placing units and buildings in a way that would lead to the most awesome battles.

After that, the first Command and Conquer game was up and this time it was the way the game introduced it's mechanics (read: units and buildings) and awesome cinematics (it was the nineties) that opened a whole new world. I still think fondly of the Obelisk of light, and I wasted many hours drawing up base layouts on paper with squares.

Next up were not so interesting but nonetheless engaging entries, such as Starcraft, Warcraft II, Total Annihilation, Dungeon Keeper II and Dark Reign (2, I think). I also think "Beasts and Bumpkins" deserves a reference, because it was a fantastic game, and one that has not really gotten a sequel.

Some time later I was introduced to my first 4x game, Heroes of Might and Magic III and it was love at first sight. It was with Disciples II that my love for the turn based strategy kicked in and although it might not be a true 4x game, I think this is the game of all the previous listed games I played the most.

To be frank, this is a mean question to ask. I can't pick a game of the hundreds I've played and say 'this is the one I liked most'. But it was a nice trip down memory lane...

Thraxas's picture
The first age of empires for

The first age of empires for me too was amazing on first sight and I also whiled away many a day with it. I've loved many other games but Stronghold for me also had many of the same attractions ... designing and building ultimate strongholds with defined kill zones while you built up an unstoppable army to attack with.