Been a while

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Thraxas's picture
Been a while

Its been a while since theres been an update on this forum.

I was just wondering how you guys are getting on?


Elliott's picture
We're all still alive!

Hey Thraxas! We're all doing something in the background. Imre is working on cleaning up code and trying to get the Support Us page here at the website up and running. Mat is out looking for investors. I'm trying to keep the KS and GL campaigns updated and working on social media stuff.

Just a FYI - internally, we had a debate about the schedule of the next builds and have come to the conclusion that we want to move forward a little differently. More details soon as we're still polishing up the plan. ;)

Thraxas's picture
Good to hear that you're all

Good to hear that you're all still around!

Best of luck with the development and the campaigns. I'll keep an eye on this forum and watch with interest for updates.


Thraxas's picture
Not heard from you in a while

How are you guys?

Elliott's picture
We're Still Here

The story hasn't changed. Game production is on hold right now as we sort through some internal stuff. We're making some changes to our team that our investors want and working on some other legal stuff (and that stuff never happens quick unfortunately). We hope to be up and running again soon.

Rest assured, when I have any concrete news, I'll post it here! :)

Good to hear that you've got

Good to hear that you've got some investors!