Update: Build #2 - Feudums Management

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Elliott's picture
Update: Build #2 - Feudums Management

Okay, the time line says it's supposed to be ready on the 29th....where is it? Well the good news is that the build is complete. The bad news - at least for you guys - is that only the 2 Pence team has access to it at the moment. Give us a few days to work any bugs out, do our internal testing, and make sure its fit for public distribution. I promise you I'll give you some first impressions as soon as I can!

Thraxas's picture
Sounds good - looking forward

Sounds good - looking forward to seeing the new build.

Elliott's picture
It's coming......

I've got the build and have been looking through it for bugs and other things that need tidied up. As soon as it's presentable, I'll get you a vid and/or some screenshots. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about you!

Elliott's picture
Release date

Can we hope to see the new build for the end of the week ?

Elliott's picture
Sorry for the Delay

Hey BR and all - First off, let me apologize for the delay. No excuses....our intial estimate on how long it would take to work through the buggy issues was way off.   There are quite a few more game-related functions (on both the client and server sides) in this build than the Map Creator, so its taking a little longer to make sure everything is optimal.  We owe it to you (and to ourselves) to release the best product we can. That said, I was told this morning that we should see the release by the end of this week.  In the meantime, I'll try to take a few screenshots so you can get an idea of what's coming. 

Elliott's picture
New screenshot

Hey all,  here's a shot from inside the build.  It's still a little more buggy than we like but I did want to post this so you could get a feel for how different feudums would be represented.  

Elliott's picture
And another

Thank you for your patience!

Elliott's picture
Still working on the build!

Still working on the build!

Elliott's picture
Before & After

My test feudum with a castle in the queue....

I built a level one castle!  

The build is coming along - a little slower than everyone would like - but it's getting there.  Thanks for your patience!

Nice, could you post more

Nice, could you post more screenshots with various terrain objects?..or a video would be even better! :)

Elliott's picture
Keep Your Eyes Open!

I plan to do even better than that.......

I think that it would be a

I think that it would be a good idea to add much more tiles for trees [small forests etc], lakes, swamps and for the hills as well. [The mountains can wait I guess, but it would be good to have more mountain tiles as well of course.] We only have a couple of choices now.

Elliott's picture
More Terrain

Hey itsdat! We planned to list additional terrain tiles as a stretch goal for our upcoming crowd-funding campaign. It is definitely something we have considered and are planned on doing at some point. However, if enough players want more terrain NOW rather than LATER, we'll move it closer to the top of the to-do list. We promise to always listen to our players!

Mat's picture

Hey, have you checked the Map Editor yet or this is directed towards Mark's 'see this buggy map' screenshot? :)

There are currently 4-5 versions for each tile type that we can also flip and are supported by all four seasons. We hoped it would give enough variations for the initial version.

We can increase their numbers significantly, the game engine could deal with it. The thing to consider is, these tiles are the biggest factor of the installed size of the final game due to their size, quality and seasonal variations, and though it's not a big deal for PC users, it might be an issue for the tablets.

It's also not the sole responsibility of the tiles to make the map look beautiful. We're also working on environmental effects with the aim to spice the map up significantly and make it look much more living. There are animated animals (deers were already present in the Map Editor, but there are also pigeons, eagles, wild boars, etc), there are weather effects (we have rains for now and will add blizzard and heavy wind at the very least), we have clouds, etc. I think these can help making the scene quite beautiful.

I'm not saying any of these to convince you to drop the idea, just wanted to give some insight of what else we're going to add to the map scene. If more variations is something you're looking for, I can only echo Mark's words about it. If you want it, you'll get more. :)


Nice! I can't wait for the

Nice! I can't wait for the effects + more tiles, and the first big build!

Oh and I think it's not a big

Oh and I think it's not a big deal to download +100mb terrain data for any platforms.
Just a question. Can we mod in new terrain graphics? It could work like dowloading mods / host in CK2: The host creates a game with the custom tiles, and those who join will download it automatically. It's a good way for people to decide that they want +50mb data or not for example.

Elliott's picture
Modding Terrain?

Right now its a bit too early to tell how it is going to work on the user experience side...we've just created a moddable architecture and structure. 

We want players to upload their modded contents (maps, rules, etc) to our servers (and created the architecture accordingly).  If the player wants to share that content then others would be able to download it. Also, if a player decides to start a custom (ie private) game, he would create it on our servers (so the host will always be our server park to provide the stability and bandwidth for each game), but the player is the owner of the game world and anyone he invites would have to download any customized content from our servers on demand in order to play. 

So basically the players will

So basically the players will be able to use custom terrain gfx in private games for sure. Sounds good!
Oh btw 1 more suggestion. It would be nice if specific terrain types -which are adjacent to each other- would merge graphically. [Ex. There is a gap between 2+ adjacent forest tiles now, and it feels a bit weird.]

Elliott's picture
Special Look

Hey all, we're going to have another updated version of the build available either Tuesday or Wednesday. This will be a special look just for all of you hanging out here in the forums. We're hoping to make the official stable version available on Friday of this week, so we'll need to get your feedback quickly if there still are any bugs left to squash! As soon as I have a link the download, I'll get posted right here in this thread.

Thraxas's picture
As we're all speaking Russian now

Спасибо за сообщение! Я буду предвидя пятницу!

(Thanks for that! Looking forward to Friday!)

Mat's picture

Speaking in Russian might be potentially dangerous when we're going through on the daily anti-spam checklist. :)

Thraxas's picture
Я с тобой согласен

Я с тобой согласен

Elliott's picture
Pushed back to Friday


We've pushed this special release back to Friday. Sorry for delay. We're basically done as of Thursday but we didn't want to release something on Thursday and then update again on Friday...so we just decided to wait until Friday.

Elliott's picture

I just heard from Mat - we started to clean up some older code and ran into an issue that is delaying us one+ more day. Thanks for your patience.

Elliott's picture
Good things come to those who wait....

While we wait these last few hours before we release the stable build of the Single Feudums Management Build, I wanted to showcase some of the changes you'll be seeing!

Feudums Village

Every single improvement now has more variations ... and there is seasonal music and a new main theme.
Additionally, players are currently randomly assigned either Western or Eastern (European) style and get their settlement and castle variations accordingly - later, this can be selected upon joining a world ... stay tuned ... more sneak peeks coming!

Elliott's picture
Tease 2

Updated Review Work Screen

The new setup feudum labor screen.

  • The green bar shows how much of your locals are working in that labor type (left) and how much space you have for that labor type at all (right). The green bar is a percentage between the two - the more filled it is, the more working space are assigned.
  • The hexagon shows the amount of tiles that are supporting the given worktype
  • Next to the lock you can specifiy the minimum amount of workers to be assigned here
  • On the bottom, you can specifiy how much % of your total local population should work here

If you're on custom setting, you can specify it's length on the dropdown.  In the header, you can see your local population, how much of them is sitting idle, their morale and the efficiency modifier (based on morale).   In this picture, it's a very unhappy bunch of people in a very underdeveloped feudum.

Will there be more???  Stay tuned to find out! ;)

Elliott's picture
Tease 3

Updated Set Tax Box

The tax dialog now shows the estimated amount of tax you'll get for the given level + the estimated effect on morale per tick.

Stay tuned ... more are coming!

Elliott's picture
Tease 4

Updated Tile Card

Tile cards now properly show values with more meaningful descriptions. They are however rounded to integers (while the server calculates with decimals).

And an updated feudum card!

Updated Feudum Card

The feudum card has been redesigned a bit. First of all, it aggregates correctly (all yields from the feudum tiles). Second, it can show modifiers correctly. Third, labor part shows a short summary of the labor settings,  thenumber of locals working, the requested minimal percentages and hard numbers,  and a progress bar behind each item showing the percentage of current assignments / total workspaces.  The red/green coloring shows if the item has met it's minimal settings.

That's the last update from me tonight.  Unlike the coders, I gotta sleep at some point (I know - I'm showing my old age!).  We'll pick back up tomorrow!

Thraxas's picture
Looks good

The teasers look good.

Waiting with baited breath for the next release so I can get my hands on it and try it out.
Would it be helpful to have a new separate thread for bug reports / suggestions / comment relating to each release?


Elliott's picture
New Threads?

Yes, I think we start new threads for it with its release name/number in the title. That should help everyone keep the different releases separate.

Elliott's picture
Another New Feature

In game, you'll be able to take a look at other feudums.  This is the view once you click on another player:

Looking at your Neighbor

I'm being told we'll have a release candidate later today or first thing in the morning.  So get ready to test the heck out of it!  If it passes your testing, we'll mark it as Build #2 Stable 1.1 Version and get it up on Google Play and the Apple Store!   Then we can get moving on to the next build!

Elliott's picture
Another Spy View

Note another village variation.

Elliott's picture
Mining Output Updated

Mining Output has been updated!

Elliott's picture
It's baking now!

We're baking / compiling / building the new release on unity's cloud build server right now! Just a matter of when our number comes up!

Elliott's picture
Server downtime Tuesday 4/12/16

Just a heads up! There may be some downtime Tuesday as the server is restarted to make the new build go live. Keep watching here for an announcement that it's ready for downloading!