I think the way resource income is supposed to work is that some terrain / buildings / tax provide income (Positive Modifiers) and buildings / population require upkeep (Negative Modifiers).
When you click on a resource icon it shows the summary of these incomes and outgoings and the change last tick.
If this is right then my income appears broken / bugged:
I have the following values over a tick (these are fairly consistent)
Wood :
Stock before tick: 1005
Modifiers : -1(-2+1)
Stock after tick: 1006
Stock before tick: 212
Modifiers : -1(-2+1)
Stock after tick: 212
Stock before tick: 899
Modifiers : -1(-2+1)
Stock after tick: 899
Stock before tick: 46
Modifiers : +15(0+15)
Stock after tick: 52
Stock before tick: 8271
Modifiers : -5(-10+5)
Stock after tick: 8276
As well as not adding up I think I should probably be seeing food income from farms and given to population to eat, and coin income from tax (although this is set to 0% atm when previously set higher didnt display)