Negative Livestock *CONFIRMED BUG*

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Mat's picture
Negative Livestock *CONFIRMED BUG*

Just saw at Thraxas' Farm on Unbreakable around tick ~465.

Negative livestock is clearly a bug.

Steps of reproducing the bug:

  • (Any Idea, Thraxas?)


  • Destroy the zombie-infected farm as they're eating your food instead of procuding. Rebuild a new one.
In unbreakable world I also

In unbreakable world I also ran into negative milking livestock (-110 for both farms). I saw small negative numbers earlier I could deal with. When food storage reached 0 it became null just like Thraxas was experiencing. I guess it's game over for me there now.

Thraxas's picture
Reproducing the bug ? Not

Reproducing the bug ? Not sure - I've seen zero food and zero morale that could recover from but have been afk and logged out on both 23 & unbreakable when this happened. Both times from what I thought was a sustainable positive income position.

#Could be linked to setting farm population allocation to a fixed 200 for 2 farms rather than % of population?

I was upgrading my city to a

I was upgrading my city to a city with a wooden palisade. Did not change other settings for some time. The upgrade paused because of lack of food.

Got -183 food on both farms

Got -183 food on both farms from milking life stock on world 24. A city was upgrading to level IV. Did not do anything else. Game over there now!

Thraxas's picture
delete farms and rebuild them

delete farms and rebuild them - worked for me on UB but tried on 23 and it seems to have crashed server ...

Mat's picture
LOL, it seems Unbreakable

LOL, it seems Unbreakable wants to be true to it's name then :)
Started a new world (W25).

Mat's picture
For the bug itself: as soon

For the bug itself: as soon as you see negative numbers, just destroy the farm so you might be able to save your feudum. That infection will never be cured and will eventually eat up everything.

Normally, the worst yield you should get from crops or livestock is 0, never a negative, so if you're getting worse, it's a calculation bug for sure.

I also don't think you're getting nulls, actually. The resource badges simply don't show numbers below 0. So in fact, you're probably getting vast negative numbers for food in treasury and that may be either a symptom or the cause of the world crashing (since negative production is an invalid internal state for farms). We're currently doing test runs on the dev environment to support either predicate.

Mat's picture
Walking Deadmeat

Seems we've found the root cause of this bug. It will require a server update but that wont take more than like 15 minutes. We're testing our candidate for the bug fix a bit more, if everything seems good, we'll push it to the live environment.

Mat's picture
Please let us know if you're

Please let us know if you're able to reproduce this issue on any world since World #28. If you need more test worlds to check this, please let me know!

Thanks :)

Thraxas's picture
not here

not been able to reproduce since #28