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Exiation's picture

So we have 8 grids for our starting place. How do we expand?


I'm trying to stop my people from revolting before expanding my realm. You might want to trade some food with me to feed your people. Bring some gold with you :)

Exiation's picture
need more foods

I cant seem to stop my people from revolting even with normal ration and 20% tax. Do they need to eat so much? lol Do they added trade system? O.O I don't mind trading your food with my gold since my people like to eat so much :D

Trade deal

OK, let me build some trade carts first so I can sent the food. Starvation would be bad in is wonderfully new world we just discovered.

Elliott's picture
Some Answers

Currently, we are starting with 8 tile slots. Obviously that number could change throughout the initial test play rounds and when we finally go into the official beta testing period. Food can be traded - eventually. Unfortunately, trading is in another build.

Speaking of future builds - the next will be a multi-feudum management build (so you can manage more than one feudum at a time) - which actually isn't so different than this build so I'm hoping the turn-around time is fairly fast. After that, we get to the diplomacy build. This is the build where you'll finally be able to chat with your neighbors and start trading things. The last build is the warfare build - soldiers and sieges and blood and guts.

Expansion is done by occupying new tiles - which you'll need an army for (sorry :( )

As for getting your population out of the "revolt" mindset - I'm facing the same difficulty you are. I think I'll ask Mat if the morale rules need some fine tuning...

But I'm happy everyone seems to be enjoying messing around inside the game. We weren't sure releasing it before it was 100% was the way to go, but I'm glad we did it!

Exiation's picture
Gold for Food

1 cart of food for 50 gold. Any discount if I bought alot at the same time?
PS: Ah sorry. Was replying for the 4th Post. Cant seem to edit it.
Replying 5th Post. Thanks for the reply. Cant wait to test the future build. :D keep up the good work.

I claim all the land :)

I claim all the land :)


Who's that peasant disturbing my afternoon nap? Guards......

Sjohund's picture
Maybe you should decrease

Maybe you should decrease turn by 5 and time of one tick to 1 minute so we can test the game faster on bugs. I see you increased time to build small town on 18 turns- thats too much!


My current upgrade takes about 50 turns :)

Mat's picture
It took some time until I

It took some time until I found where did I see this request. :)

We've started a little longer second test world with faster ticks (you can play on any number of test worlds at once). We might also host a very quick game (like 30 seconds ticks) in the coming days.

Thraxas's picture
All your Feudums are belong to me.

Having fun messing around, built some stuff, clicked some icons - some do stuff others I've no idea about. Is there a key somewhere? (Its probably on a very obvious screen I clicked past and ignored - its the sort of thing I'd do).

When I add buildings to the build queue and click the cloud upload button often they disappear from the queue - is this down to lack of some resource to undertake the build (i.e. expected but not understood by me) or something odd?

Elliott's picture
It's a bug

The queue isn't working 100% yet. I think we'll have it right the next time we upload a new version. As for a button descriptions, eventually there will be something in game. For now, I'm putting together a key for quick reference. Should be up this week.

queue bug

When you sent a new command to the server. All actions sent earlier will be cleared. So wait before all your actions have been executed before uploading new ones.