Very much enjoying playing around with the early release version of Feudums. While very nicely finished I did however find it quite difficult to work out the mechanics so I thought I'd note down a few things that I think I've worked out. Perhaps others might like to correct me where I'm wrong or add to it.
The commercial build beta maps can be found under the MMO maps.
While you can create a land on any map you can only build stuff if there are 'ticks' remaining (if there are no ticks left the game is over).
When you start you are given 8 hexes - you currently have no way to extend this to additional hexes.
Each hex has a terrain type, this will determine the basic resource income from that hex and the buildings that can built in that hex.
If you build one type of building you cannot also build another type of building, although some buildings can be upgraded. If you try and build a 2nd type of building in a hex the first gets destroyed.
Woods, Swamp and Water allow no building
Hills: farm, village, palisade, mine, quarry, ecclesiastical fief
Plains: farm, village, palisade, ecclesiastical fief
Mountains: mine, quarry, ecclesiastical fief
village can be upgraded through a number of steps to a city
palisade can be upgraded thrugh a number of steps to a castle
ecclesiatical fief - ?no idea - not built one yet?
There are 5 resource types: gold, wood, flour, stone, iron
In addition villiages / cities provide population
Each building requires resource to build and maintain it
Farms provide flour
Mines provide iron
Quarries provide stone
Building / destroying buildings take a number of ticks, this is the countdown timer at the top of the screen. At the end of a tick any commands you've set are sent to the server. You can force a command to be sent to the server by clicking the cloud button. (This appears quite buggy atm - items will disappear from the build queue / not be added unexpectedly then occasionally reappear - seems to work best if you send a set of commands then wait for them all to finish i.e. when building a farm which takes 16 ticks wait for all 16 ticks to pass the the farm to complete before submitting any new commands).
If you have no flour left all building will stop.
There are seasons these last 25 ticks each
Farms produce no food in winter.
Farms plant crops each tick during spring if they have population allocated.
Gold is generated through taxation. Taxation and a number of other global settings (e.g. how much food to give you population) can be changed by clicking on your feudum symbol
Population grows if there is sufficient space in any village / city you have and the existing population is well fed.
Population happiness appears to be stuck on 'revolting' presumably high food, low tax and ecclesiatical fiefs is supposed to improve this
There are additional - ?possibly map filter icons? that appear if you click on a hex for a second time - I cant make these perform any function but suspect they will make different details (dis)appear on the main display.