Platform Online

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Mat's picture
Platform Online


We have recently finished integrating the Platform to the website so it is now running in sort of a "public beta test" mode. You might experience slowdowns or timeouts for short periods, but otherwise it is expected to be working correctly. 


Please drop us a mail if an issue persists or you're completely unable to log in for any reason. If applicable, please don't forget to copy the exact error message (especially the error code) to your email and share your account name or email address. Note: we will never ask you to share your password (nor can we change it for you).


If you've previously selected (in your browser) to stay logged in, you'll remain logged in and can still do your regular activities until your cache expires - or you choose to log out.

Once you're logged out (either through cache expiration or logging out manually), you'll need to reset your password in order to log in again. This is also necessary to fully activate your Platform account (technical note: we don't store passwords, so we couldn't migrate that). 


To reset your password, simply put your account name or registration email on the login form, and hit enter without filling your password (or just use your old password). Then simply use the "Have you forgotten your password" option (even though it is technically not you who have "forgotten" it :)) to request an update. Then, an email will be sent to you with a special link that - for security reasons - can be only used once. You can set your new password there.


We have migrated all active users, so you don't have to create a new user. Your track record (ie. your posts) is also saved.


(Of course we have backed up everything and can revert should we need it, though it is expected to remain a theoretic option.)

Mat's picture
Platform Updated

There has been a major update in the underlying Platform API.

While it has been throughoutly tested, there is always chances that some bugs would survive the purge, so please let us know if you'd encounter abnormal or unexpected behaviour about the site or any user related process (ie. login). Thank you!

Sjohund's picture

I was absent for a while. Wonder when shall game start? Only coat of arms generator I tried.

Mat's picture

Hello sjohund,

We've recently posted a Vanguard only update of the client, which is now fully online (and have a vastly updated Coat of Arms Editor and the mandatory boring stuffs about player management, communication, notification systems, etc). The point is, we've built the online ecosystem behind the game to the point we can focus on the next phase. You can check the Vanguard forums for more details.

So, subsequent updates will now focus on the world map & game logic, adding related features incrementally.