Weekly Report Delayed

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Mat's picture
Weekly Report Delayed

Hey all,

since every single member of the team is sick (which is quite an achievement as we're about 300 to 5800 miles away from each others), the weekly report is delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thraxas's picture
Get Well Soon

Sorry to hear that. Concentrate on getting better soon. Thinking of you all.

Mat's picture
Thank you, Thraxas!

Thank you, Thraxas!

As far as I'm aware of, Sandor, Steve and Mark are now fully recovered. I thought I'll be fine in a few days too, but my prescribed medicines seem to be largely ineffective to the virus I've got. I'm past the fever, but the virus keeps irritating my throat so I'm constantly coughing - which has made sleeping an impossible task for the last 9 days, so I'm constantly exhausted. I have an appointment tomorrow, hopefully, we can switch to a stronger med. I'll also need to visit surgery this week. :(

This all couldn't have happened in a worse time.

Mat's picture
Life Sign


I'm still alive, but still recovering (but at least it now seems recovering instead of stagnating or getting worse). Thanks for all the kind words!