changing tax or food rations outside building queue

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changing tax or food rations outside building queue

At the moment when changing my taxes food rations or labor Work priorities you create a new task in the building queue which is really unintuitive and annoying.

This is not only annoying because you waste a lot of time and potential resources waiting for your order to be executed, it can actually fuck your economy up in a lot of ways.

I had to demolish one of my farms at some point because my main city was busy failing at upgrading (not making progress because of a lack of resources) and I couldnt change my labor work priorities to actually produce the resource I was missing.

It would be a lot better to just separate the building queue and administrative tasks.

I hope I didnt just misunderstand the mechanic ;D

Thraxas's picture
Some sympathy

I've some sympathy with what you're saying, in fact have raised a similar point in another thread.
However on reflection changes to administration are managed by the administrative centre of the feudum so could be said to be tied to that hexes queue.
That said its still annoying to wait for 46 ticks to change a tax rate to get gold the lack of which prevents the 46 ticks from counting down.
My understanding is that a future release will allow the position of an item in a queue to be changed on the fly even if the item at the top ofthe queue has already started being built. This to me resolves the issue.

As an aside I see you've posted a few things in the past few days scont so am assuming you're new to Feudums ... I just wanted to say welcome!


Mat's picture
Hey,"My understanding is that


"My understanding is that a future release will allow the position of an item in a queue to be changed on the fly even if the item at the top ofthe queue has already started being built. This to me resolves the issue."

Exactly, it's on our todo list.

It's also on our todo list to let a feudum scope command (tax, food ratio, etc) to be transferred to any other hex within the feudum.


The core concept behind this set of features (the hex-tied command queues, the ability to change their orders and placement) would be to allow you to set commands to be somewhat dependant on each others. Like, you want to build up something before you'd update labor work - you place the set labor command behind the building order. Likewise, if you want to lower/raise taxes upon certain events, or set food ratio back to normal once the extra farm is built, you could effectively do all these things.

We were trying the suggested concept earlier - months ago -, but we found if feudum commands would sit in a dedicated queue and tile commands would sit in tile queues, it would be much less intuitive to setup dependencies between them.

However, if playtests and players' feedback won't support our thinking, we're happy to change the system. It's just a bit early since the feature is not complete yet.

Now that you explained it it

Now that you explained it it does make sense. If the game properly communicates how this works it could be a powerful tool. If you also include the option to do this outside the building queues via feudum scope commands then there wont be any problem. Everybody can just use the feudum scope commands most of the time and the other commands when more micromanagement is required.

The only thing I would change is to create an option to immediately change some administrative value on a hex.