World Settings

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World Settings

World #32, World #33

Smaller tweaks compared to the previous ruleset:

  • Farming is slightly less efficient
  • Morale effects are less punishing
  • Slightly reduced Growth Rate modifier from Morale
  • Slightly reduced Morale modifier from Food Rations
    (note: it also affects starting Tax Rate - since you don't benefit from the old Morale boost from Normal Rations anymore)
  • ...a few other smaller changes.

(a possible change on Morale/Food calculations is on the table, but those cannot be made without updating the server, so if implemented, would probably be introduced a bit later.)


Long Winter

A hardcore setting with assymetric seasons: the world has a short Spring, Summer and Autumn season and a long Winter.

Be warned: it's quite easy to starve to death here!

Just started in world 32 and

Just started in world 32 and 'Long Winter'. Looks like it is a lot harder to collect some coin. Lets see how this will work out.

Some very early remarks when

Some very early remarks when just hitting level 3 villages on world 32 and 'Long Winter':

- I do not need a quarry to upgrade both my villages to level 4. Get rid of free stone production and upkeep for low level buildings? Or make town upgrades cost way more stone?

- People will run away now when you put them on 'half ration' even when morale is 100%. This means when you are running into food problems and you select 'half ration' to avoid food reserves hitting 0 you cannot avoid your people from leaving. It's positive for food consumption on the short term. But it will devastate your next harvest. So returning your food rations to normal after the harvest seasons will not be a real option I'm afraid. Also because of the high upkeep of villages, when your town is half empty you will produce negative coin income if you want morale to stay 100% (and you really want that).

Now let's find out if I can survive the long winter with my level 3 town......

level 3 villages

On world 32 you break about even with food with a level 3 village. Gained 23 food over a whole year. Having some folks chopping wood to get 1 wood a tick, the rest is in the fields. Level 4 village will be impossible to feed I think

On 'long winter' world it is impossible to feed your people with a level 3 village. After a couple of years I ran out of food. Switching to half ration will chase your people away. It is possible to only use half ration during the first part of winter. But because people will run of a lot faster then they will return I'm not sure if that will make me brake even on food. It's to much work for me to try this. Especially because I'm out of food and getting out of this mess will be very hard. Probably I will have to downgrade my town back to level 1 or something like that.

Maybe someone else knows a way how to make this work?

Mat's picture
Long Winter

up to this point, I purposefully avoided level 3 on Long Winter, built a level 2 settlement and made it sure the farm is always full with farmers. That resulted a stable, positive food output for me for the past ~8 hours.

I'm about to check level 3 with two, maybe three farms with tweaked labor priorities (based on the result that 33 farmer was able to provide a solid positive outcome for 56 people). :)

Is it possible to let your

Is it possible to let your people chop wood (or do other stuff) in the winter and let them all work the fields during the rest of the year in an automated way?

Mat's picture
Currently, you can't create

Currently, you can't create multiple templates and associate them to season parts, so you can't fully automate this yet (it's planned though). You can only overwrite the default template for a selected amount of time or till the end of the given season.

Still, their default working templates are working pretty much the same way since World #28. When there is no crop/livestock phases on the farm (late autumn + most of winter), those workers are sent to quarry/mine/cut materials. If there are crop/livestock phases, normally 50% of the population is sent there and everything else is on low priority.

Distribution works on a way that it checks the available work types and distribute population accordingly, even if they don't reach (or exceed) 100%, so if farms are set to 50%, and you only have a forest with 10%, it'll still distribute all 100% of your population (if there are enough work spaces) with a ratio of 5:1. Likewise, if you'd set everything to 100%, it would just equally distribute your workforce.

This means that if you don't have all work types (and likely you don't), the "remaining" population is distributed based on the percentage ratios - so you'll get extra farmers (compared to the 50% minimum) in the main agricultural phases.

If you accept seasonality of all work types (and prepare that everything has a peak period vs. having a balanced output through the year), it can work pretty well.

Looks like your level 3 town

Looks like your level 3 town is not doing very well. According to your feudum card you have negative food, wood, stone & coin production. I don't think you will survive the next local elections :)

Mat's picture
Yep, I let their Morale go

Yep, I let their Morale go down and that cut production. Luckily, when they ran out of food, they ate those who were demanding elections. So all is well at the end.

Seems tweaking labor made the trick for you?

No no no no, I'm slowly

No no no no, I'm slowly loosing food. So in a few hours all hell will break loose again.

In world 32 I upgraded to level 4. Even with 4 farms there is no chance surviving that.

In the last game of Build v0.6.1257 I was able to acquire 1.3M gold. Those were the good times!! Nowadays everyone is starving to death.

Mat's picture
Well, it takes bravery to accept defeat... but...

Good times aren't those where everyone got rich without efforts. That would just make us all poor regardless of our strategy.

And only we, who wanted to reach the stars have actually starved to death - check those who knew where to stop migrating new people to their towns! That could be a lesson - a bit lessening the effect it wasn't intentional though. ;)

(in other words: yes, these last tweaks weren't the better ones. Sorry!)

I was joking around a bit. It

I was joking around a bit. It is good to test different settings. But thanks for the wise lesson.

Mat's picture
I know you were joking. Sorry

I know you were joking. Sorry if mine didn't work. :)

Mat's picture
World #34Testing a bit less

World #34

Testing a bit less punishing options than on World 33/Long Winter - the goal is to be able to be self sufficient on select strategies even for a level 6 Settlement. 

  • Crop production is a bit more efficient
  • Tax is less punishing on Morale 
  • Food Ration is a bit less punishing on Growth Rate
  • Efficiency is a bit tweaked for Morale
  • There should be now different pairings that should effectively neutralize each others for Tax & Food Rations.
  • Slaughtering herds yield a bit more food. 
  • Growth Rate stepping is decreased slightly to both directions so its a bit harder to lose (or gain) too much people in a hindsight.
  • ...A couple other tweaks...
The only world I currently

The only world I currently see in the game is world 33.

Mat's picture
Unfortunately that's a

Unfortunately that's a technical bug in the 1433 version. It stops refreshing the Worlds list if one world just happened to end. It's been hotfixed and a new build (1444) has been uploaded a couple days back, which you can download from the site.

I have since terminated the ended world so it should work again for 1433 versions too. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Thraxas's picture
I've been away for a few days

I've been away for a few days (hence my quietness on the forum) and theres a new version out to test (Yay!) just started on 34 (very late in the day) and will see what I can make of it.


Mat's picture
That version (1444) didn't

That version (1444) didn't fix much issues, was rather just a quick fix for the worlds scene, so don't expect too much on that part. We'll have another update in the next couple days (a candidate for the stable version - which means an MMO build for tablets!) that will contain about a dozen bug fixes, many of those were reported on the forum. I'm already playing from my Android, so fingers crossed. :)

Mat's picture
World #36 & Long Winter

World #36 & Long Winter

Livestock tweaks:

  • Breeding Livestock is a bit more efficient, slightly improving both the upper limit and the growing rate.
  • Milking Livestock yields a couple percent more food.

Farming tweaks:

  • The amount a farmer can plant each tick (in planting phase) is a little bit increased



  • the update finally brought working seasonal labor plans, so locals are distributed more intelligently on their own between the available tasks. We expect this would turn resource production slightly more effective and a lot more seasonal than it was before. You can now also set custom labor plans for X ticks (then it should automatically revert to the seasonal default).
  • Special note for Long Winter: it's once again an assymetric, "hardcore" setting with shorter Spring, Summer and Autumn Seasons and a longer Winter.
Thraxas's picture
World 37 and Long Winter

I think there have been several long winter servers so comments relate both to world 37 and the long winter running at the same time as.

Fairly easy to grow population and morale using normal rations and 15% tax
Fairly easy to grow population and maintain morale using normal rations and 20% tax
Food can start to run low if you dont have 2 farms beyond settlement 3 but with 2 farms you can maintain a small income with half rations and 7% tax while maintaining morale.

Settlement 1 and 2 very easy to build resources and stock pile to build with.
Settlement 3 hard to get positive income across the board, the best I managed was positive all except -1 iron per tick.

There seems to be no negative impact to having no coin stock and a negative coin income - this can be used to build food stocks.

Settlement 4 and 5 fairly easy to maintain a significant positive income across the board with 2 farms 2 mines (1 set to iron the other wealth) half rations 7% tax.

(Income summary card is still showing errors ... report of -1 wood can actually be +2, 0 coin income can be +1 dont trust the resource income reports watch the stock numbers change).

Mat's picture
Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback :)

Yes, coins plays no major role yet - nor you're penalized for negative income, other than you can't really build anything without coins. Later, however, it'll take a major toll on production if you can't even pay the upkeep costs... not to speak about the wages for mercenaries and levy troops.

Income summary - once we're ready with our current run of bugfixes and website development, we'll most likely enhance Notifications as a workaround to show the values the server is actually calculating with, so we can test a lot easier where the numbers go wrong - or it really is just a truncating issue that is adding up from different tiles/yield sources. Then we'll probably make a poll about the options for displaying all these values (eg. show decimals everywhere, show whole numbers on cards but the full decimals on the summaries, actually use just whole numbers everywhere, etc).

Mat's picture
World #39 & Speed World

World #39 & Speed World

Growth Rate:

  • Updated rules so it shouldn't stop growing under neutral or better morale and normal rations.

Farming & livestock tweaks:

  • The amount of plants a farmer can plant in sowing phase is again a bit increased.
  • Livestock's values are slightly increased (milking and breeding)

As we're slowly gearing towards the multiple feudums build, I want to find a good balance where a feudum specialized in food production (with optimal and not maximum population) can generate a fair surplus, allowing other feudums to specialize in something else.

On a related note, I wish to thanks again for Thraxas for testing out the optimal build for a generic feudum - and that there is any, actually. :)

Thraxas's picture
Setting a feudum up for max

Setting a feudum up for max food production is fairly simple all based on the number of hexes you can build a farm on. On my speed world this is 3 (barren + plain + hill)

When optimising I've noticed that upkeep varies by season and by terrain type the farm is built on (I think plains are free, barren low cost and hills a little more)

So with 3 farms I can allocate 99 population to food production, I want the minimum settlement size that supports this which is a level 3 (120 population). While I could maintain exactly 99 population I find it easier to maintain a full settlement so I've 21 spare population to use which I can drop into wood.

I have tried building an ecclesiastical fief on the mountain and putting the 21 pop into this to see if this would give me a morale boost that I could use to allow an increase in tax but it seems to have no impact on morale.
**Is this a bug?**

When trying to optimise I am finding that no only does food income vary by season but so does coin income. With no setting changes and maitaining half rations and 100% morale I see reported coin income vary from -1 to +15 over a year cycle with actual coin income being +1 to +17 over the cycle (due to the known reporting income bug).

This makes it harder to work out what the coin income is with any setting change as it needs to be reviewed over a whole year cycle.

It would be really nice to be able to click on the feudum card and see how each income was generated and predicted income over the next year cycle if current settings are maintained. - perhaps a nice to have though ? ...

Mat's picture
thanks for the feedback! :) I

thanks for the feedback! :) I replied in the Tweaking Game Balance topic as the answers might be more appropriate there.