Bug Reporting Guides

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Elliott's picture
Bug Reporting Guides

Please post any new bug in separate topics under the Bug Reports / Recent Build main thread.

Thank you!


Elliott's picture
We need your input!

Please download the latest version and report any bugs you find. We're very interested in any reasons that might cause the server to freeze up (Thraxas - I think this happened to you already. Can you provide some feedback?)

Thraxas's picture
Yes but not sure why

Yes I have started testing yesterday and twice seen the server freeze.
I'm not sure what caused it.
I was playing 64bit version on Win7 in a windowed mode, both times had build on every hex and changed tax and worker distribution successfully.
I think both times it froze when I tried to upgrade my central hex from a small town to a large town but this may not be connected.
I'd assumed it was just that the new version wasnt quite ready and I'd jumped in too early but will keep an eye on it more today when I carry on testing.


Hi Thraxas, I would be

Hi Thraxas, I would be particularly interested what you did exactly when the game froze. We run the server on stage for days with no issues and in the very first 5 minutes seeing you break it was a bit devastating :) If you like I can start a standalone world, so you can try to break it again without ruining the other player's game. Thanks!

Thraxas's picture
To be honest nothing odd or

To be honest nothing odd or unusual - I've been doing exactly the same on World 23 and Unbreakable and they havent broken.
If I remember right I build from the off I built 1 castle 2 farms 1 quarry 1 mine and 1 forts or some combination of this, then demolished mines, villages, forts and rebuilt on different hexes.
I'm keeping a record of what I'm doing now and will let you know more accurately if I manage to break it again :)


Thraxas's picture
The main thing I was doing

The main thing I was doing when the game froze was having the game running in window mode and constantly flipping between that and other windows on my pc checking in for a few seconds here and there while code I was writing (nothing to do with the game) was compiling / running. - Not sure that helps.


Downloaded the latest version

Downloaded the latest version. But have no time to play today. Will do some testing tomorrow.

Thraxas's picture

Freezing - see comments in above thread - I downloaded within minutes of being available - the first 2 worlds froze when I was in both cases the 2nd player on. 1st player on both was the same and there from turn 1 - perhaps an AI / 2Pence fuedum.

Most bugs from previous version seem fixed however:

On unbreakable my food stock has become null (not 0 just null) this means I cannot make any food and so am constantly starving.

When I set my food production worker distribution to 100% I get a display error on the feudum card showing this line.

When I set worker distribution to : Revert I am asked to click on OK rather than the big green tick.

On login on unbreakable my feudum does not autocenter.

Quite a few game balance issues discussed elsewhere.

On world 23 food rationing if set to normal moves to half rationing then starving and then back to normal as food is available. If starving by this mechanism I can force to stay on starving by setting so. On unbreakable when set to normal when food is short and moved to starving automatically I cannot force to stay on starving as the game sees as already set to this.

No way to change build order - problematic as tax changes are on the central hex I cant force a tax change while waiting for a city to finish building without cancelling the build. Tax changes etc imo should not be tied to a hex.

Game log does not include all builds / destoys.

Overall a massive leap forward from the previous version - quite impressively so. Well done. Obviously still some work to do.


Mat's picture
thanks for the initial

thanks for the initial feedback :) I hope you'll enjoy playing and tweaking on the longer run too :)

For the "change build order", I moved that to Beta Discussions (link to topic). The rest will be checked and eventually added as confirmed bugs or we ask for more details if we can't reproduce them.

Thraxas's picture
23 Crashed?

world 23 server now stopped responding? Looks it to me.

Happened as I was trying to demolish 2 farms and downgrade lvl 4 settlement. Paused all due to lack of resources. I removed downgrade of settlement from queue. Farms then demolished ok. I added 2 farms to build queue which ran for 4 turns (so 2 turns of build left on both). Now server crashed. Last log report is Not enrough resources for building on [41:42] and [42:41] tick 2839.

I can still enter world 23.

I can still enter world 23.

Thraxas's picture
so can I but ...

so can I but .... cant make anything build / demolish, tick counter isnt running (after first tick on entry reaches 0) and ticks are not updating on season icon no resources are changing over time. Ticks are still incrementing on each entry to world.

Mat's picture
R.I.P. World 23

Unfortunately it seems to be the same issue you've already encountered with yesterday. The basic functions like the game's heartbeat are still working, hence world cards and basic status gets updated, but the game server itself had a heart attack at some point and stopped calculating world updates. It might be even related to the zombie herd issue (on a way both are happening for the same reason).

Tessalar is working in the background (on the development server) to analyze the reports and get rid of the problem. The good news is, the more it happens, the more info we'll have, so the world is not wasted for nothing. In the meantime, I've created World 25 and properly stopped World 23. The latter is still in the world cards list but you can see a "stopped" icon on it's right top, so it won't pretend it's running anymore.