v0.6.1433 | Feudum Commands not to be tied to a hex

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Mat's picture
v0.6.1433 | Feudum Commands not to be tied to a hex

No way to change build order - problematic as tax changes are on the central hex I cant force a tax change while waiting for a city to finish building without cancelling the build. Tax changes etc imo should not be tied to a hex.

- Thraxas on this topic)

Feudum scope commands are tied to hexes due to a design decision, as this would allow timing on such orders if you want so (ex: like increasing tax after some morale buffing structure has been built). This would lower the need for micromanagement.

But this is going to come with two extra features:

  • the ability to rearrange the commands - so you can change priorities within a queue.
  • the ability to move feudum commands from one queue to another (within a feudum) - so you can set timing relative to some other order, set on another tile in the same feudum.

Granted these will be implemented, would you still use a separate queue for feudum commands or would you rather stick to this feature?

It's very strange commands

It's very strange commands like tax rate, food rations and worker distribution are tied to a hex. These are global settings that should be tied to the feudum itself. It will work if you can use a swamp hex (or any other idle hex) for these commands (if I understand your post right). But it will remain a bit strange.

Mat's picture
it's not quite like for that.

it's not quite like for that. It's more for things like: "I want to build an Ecclesiastical Fief overnight, and want my feudum to raise taxes by 3% right after the Fief was built without me having to get up and check the condition and set it manually".

If you place a set tax command after the build ecclesiastical fief command, this can be automated. By allowing players to move feudum commands through hexes in the same feudum, it can be tied to any tile-scope action.

What you mention is rather an "exploit" (on a legal way) of the system, but its a side effect, not the goal of the system.

Thraxas's picture
Thinking about it I can see a

Thinking about it I can see a rationale for the center start hex to have these commands - the rationale (in my head) being that this is the adminsitration center of the feudum that is issuing orders etc. Build order at least in this hex must be editable to overcome the e.g. inability to change tax to get more gold to finish a building thats in the queue before the tax change but stalled due to lack of gold.

I would however say that if this is the case then that makes that hex unique - the settlement should be non-demolishable (not sure if it is - not tried) and should perhaps have some special features e.g. different skin - a +1 morale if at full population different population levels - can produce troops even though not a fort - something to distinguish it from other settlements.

Just my thoughts,


Mat's picture
Giving some local bonus for

Giving some local bonus for the Manor is an interesting idea. Especially... but wait.

Currently, these are the rules for this special hex:

  • the Manor cannot be demolished (only downgraded to level 1) - its already implemented and should work.
  • the Manor can be moved to another tile, so long it is either a Castle or a Settlement (so for a border feudum, it may worth to set a Castle as a Manor as its much harder to take). It cannot happen with hostiles on the lands (so once they are around, they will have a clear target). - likely come in next major build
  • when the Manor is moved to another tile, the feudum undergoes some administrative instability, getting a 10% efficiency penalty for a couple ticks. - likely come in the next major build
  • by occupying this hex, the whole feudum falls to the conqueror. Without it, the agressor has to take it tile by tile. - will come with the Warfare build

 ...so giving a slight local bonus, different for Castle Manors and Settlement Manors (so it may have another reason when to choose what) sounds like a good plan. Thanks for the idea!

(you will be able to produce troops in both Settlements and Castles, but their quality and morale will greatly differ)

Thraxas's picture
Sounds good.

Sounds good.

Are these rules for the special hex already on the website? I'll admit I've not read the whole site exhaustively but havent come across them before.

Mat's picture
Most of these info are

Most of these info are available, though a bit spread out in the existing articles.