What other games do you play?

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Elliott's picture
What other games do you play?

As we wait for the 1.0 release of Feudums, let's discuss some of the other games you play and why you like them. Anyone?

Théa The Awakening

Well, i was looking for a similar type of mix rpg - 4x game among the indie game like Théa the Awakening (which i finished in the hardest difficulty but holly hell that was hard), and i noticed Feudums yesterday.
Guess i am the 2nd one to post a message in the forum after elliot, but if the website is new that s normal after all :)

Elliott's picture
About Thea

I've only heard good things about Thea the Awakening. Didn't eXplorminate award it their 2015 game of the year? Anyway, thanks for the comment. As you noticed, this is our new and improved website - just opened a few days ago. So welcome aboard, Black Rose! If you have any questions about Feudums, just ask. We're working on having a semi-playable build out in the next week or so.

Crusader Kings II (GOT MOD)

For me, the best game of the seven kingdoms =D
I play Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron since the launch of the first games, thousands of hours! But I must have player double the time already spent in my life after he left the mod Game of Thrones! I played a long time Mount and Blade (COK) but the CK offered a story experience better. I still have the habit of playing Civilization V and some games in the series Total War (Mostly Attila and Rome II), besides love command and collors and fief for france (bg)! =)

Elliott's picture
Total War

Hey Hightower! I'm a Total War nerd - especially Napoleon TW. There's something about that era I just love.

Napoleon TW

My enemies are many. My equals are none. In the shade of olive trees they said Italy could never be conquered. In the land of pharos and kings they said Egypt could never be humbled. In the realm of forests and snow, they said Russia could never be tamed. Now they say nothing. They fear me, like a force of nature a dealer in thunder and death. I say, I am Napoleon! I am emperor! *_______* - I love this game! The command & colors napoleonics too! The strategy and morale necessary to keep the armies was something amazing!

Mat's picture

Crusader Kings (II) and Mount & Blade (especially Warband) are on the list of those of the "current era" games that had some influence on our game design.

Thraxas's picture

old school here : I still play MUDs.
Mostly playing aardwolf mud atm.

Mat's picture

Have you also tried MUSHes? I was playing two of those for years, one with a setting similar to the political turmoil of the renaissance era Venice. :), and another set in a classic high fantasy world.

I also tried a MUD, but don't even remember it's name.... and they pretty much evolved into what we call MMORPGs today. I've played a few of those.

Thraxas's picture
MUSHs are sub genre of MUDs.

MUSHs are sub genre of MUDs. Generally MUSHs tend to be less combat based and more role play - though theres no exact definition and plenty of players would debate this.
Aardwolf describes itself as a MUSH - personally I dont think it is, there is however no debate that it is a MUD.

Yes you're right that they are predecessor of MMORPGs - pretty much the same without any graphics - entirely text based. Still huge amounts of fun but a long way fallen from their glory days of the 80s when there were (for the time) huge playerbases of several thousand concurrent players in many MUDs. Nothing like the millions that play some MMOs these days.

Mat's picture
Glory Days :)

I guess glory days varied and depended on a couple factors; for example, I had my most active period as a MUSH player/admin/creator in the late 90s and just stopped playing it after entering to the 21st century (though the two weren't related). Unfortunately, I was never being able to recreate or find that feeling in any MMORPG.

Thraxas's picture
I think the one advantage

I think the one advantage that text based games have over graphical games is that communication is far inherent to the game - therefore far easier to build a sense of community.
Some of my most long standing friends I met in MUDs decades ago and we've moved together from one game to the next, conversely I've stayed in touch with very few of those I've come across in MMORPGs.

It'll be interesting to see how Feudums does in building community.

Mat's picture
I agree on the first part.

I agree on the first part. Actually, I know Imre - the co-founder of FEUDUMS - from a MUSH where we were playing together (on opposite sides IC) for a while... maybe 15-16 years ago. We don't even live in the same country for I think more than 10 years now, but as you can guess, we're still in touch. ;)

For the latter, I have high hopes... and we're also all ears for suggestions :)

Other games

Well, exept théa the awakening, which leaded me here, i played civ 5 (THE BEST), civ beyond earth (nice but same mechanics), endless legend (a good game, but with a bit of a boring fight system) and galactic civilization 3 (WHAT A DISAPOINTMENT).
I played imperial glory too (a bit old game) but i don t think it s a real 4x, and i tried napoleon total war but i don t like how total war works for some unknown reasons.

Mat's picture
Total War series

My biggest issue with the Total War series (though I own all but Napoleon and played a lot with them) is the AI. Both the real-time battle AI and the "diplomacy" AI are terrible, the latter seems to never been improved since Shogun: Total War... But I wouldn't call them 4X at all, honestly, as they almost entirely just focus on - as their brand name correctly implies - extermination.

Civ V is great - with mods or with the Brave New World expansion. Endless Legend was a very pleasant surprise for me (though I also enjoyed their previous title, Endless Space), and their DLCs are good examples of how I would build a free DLC content-wise.

Total War series

I agree!

Elliott's picture

Total War's battle AI is certainly not the best - but I think that's why I like it....I can beat it!!!! :) Let's not speak of their diplomacy AI. That is the worst!

Path of Exile's new

Path of Exile's new Ascendancy expansion is taking a lot of my time right now.

mount and blade, dawn 2055

mount and blade, dawn 2055 both awesome fun games

Elliott's picture

I've heard good things about Mount & Blade but have not had any experience with it myself.

Sjohund's picture
M&B is very interesting but

M&B is very interesting but graphics is ugly and after certain amount of time you get bored. Too much focus on 3D engine, weaponry and stuff, but not on functionality and live charm. The game should be dynamic, with elements of management and economy, diplomacy and warfare. Also, should be possible to have some special events like festivals where players can have some fun - like gambling or any other medieval entertainment. Graphics should be lovely not spectacular. Feudums looks promising and I adore your painting style. It state of art dudes!

Mat's picture
Thanks for the kind words,

Thanks for the kind words, will pass them to the graphic artists :)

I remember I used a mod for M&B that brought in more automation and details for economy and diplomacy - like the ability to run a kingdom through a diplomacy screen. It isn't a game about diplomacy, though, so don't expect much depth... but it was surprisingly pleasant for a few dozen hours. :)

It was modder-friendly enough though that a group was able to create a proof of concept of a persistent strategy game around the game, that you could play in a browser and the battles could be fought in the game. Others were trying to create an MMO roleplaying game around it.

I wish we'll have similar perspectives for modders on the long run...

Thraxas's picture
Dominions 4

Have others played Dominions 4? Graphically not brilliant and difficult to get into as a new player but it has fantastic depth, huge strategic possibilities and a very active multiplayer community. Not for everyone but I enjoy.

Mat's picture
Once I'll have free time

Once I'll have free time again, I'll definitely try it :)

Roddick's picture
Old type

I play Therian saga and Battle for Wesnoth open source turn based game. Two great games.

Reason for edit: I wrote that it is 4x game dont have a clue why I did that. Maybe coz i worked 4th night shift in a row :D

Thraxas's picture
Wesnoth - theres a blast from

Wesnoth - theres a blast from the past! I at one time used to write some code for it - never had anything I did accepted into the production environment though.

My son has dragged me into the mobile age and I play war dragons now