World 35 dead

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Thraxas's picture
World 35 dead

no response from World 35 here - think its dead

Mat's picture
Sorry for this, we had a

Sorry for this, we had a security update on the server, it seems World #35 perished during the process. Unfortunately it's still ticking - just not calculating anything -, so it wasn't obvious from the server list that it's down.

On the bright side, we've scheduled an update for this period anyway, which will end shortly and will contain a couple bugfixes on the server-side logic (so we need to re-launch the Worlds anyway). It'll also come with updated (stable) clients which will also be sent for approval to Google Play and the AppStore.

Mark or I will update the forum as soon as the updated desktop clients and the server update are available (probably within 30-45 minutes). Tablet clients will be available when they are approved by their respective digital store. Thank you for your patience!

Thraxas's picture
Good News!

Good News!

Thanks for the update. probably wont be on much over the weekend but will look forward to downloading the new version and testing.

Mat's picture
The updates are on and the

The updates are on and the latest build is available for download (you can find a link for the release notes on the download page). Hope you'll enjoy it. :)