Server Lag / World 25 dead?

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Thraxas's picture
Server Lag / World 25 dead?

I'm not sure whats going on but this morning when I go into Feudums I see no world cards to enter. If I click on MMO worlds I see no worlds. If however I click on private worlds then MMO worlds I see unbreakable and world 25.

I can enter world 25 and have put things in build queue but queue isnt moving and resources arnt updating ticker has stopped ticking - I think world is dead.

I can enter world unbreakable - this seems to still be running - I've added to build queues and these seem to count down as expected.


Thraxas's picture
Unbreakable now Broken

World Unbreakable now broken.

Actions directly prior to this.

Concurrently Upgraded Settlement 3 to 4 and Fort 2 to 3
After this I saw my farm was -28 cows so I deleted the farm
When farm deletion completed (the same tick) I added the build of new farm to the same hex.
This build continued for 3 ticks then world died leaving 3 ticks remaining in queue.

Hi Thraxas, I am unsure why

Hi Thraxas, I am unsure why you haven't seen the world cards, but most probable the worlds have been broken at that time. I've put up a new release of the server. This will sort out the negative livestock and the broken world issues. Please carry on :)

Thraxas's picture
Destroyer of Worlds

I'm beginning to wonder if I should set my House name to "Destroyer of Worlds" or "World Breaker"