Feudum Management RC1 - v0.6.1433

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Elliott's picture
Feudum Management RC1 - v0.6.1433

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Release Notes v0.6.1433 (Feudum Management RC1)

Technical Changes:

  • We've significantly reduced the size of both the zipped and the unpacked/installed game, from 3-400MB to ~130MB and from 3.5GB to 800MB respectively.
  • The 64bit Windows version should work better with Win7 or previous systems (if those are X64 architecture)

Additions to the previous version:

  • Every single improvement now has more variations (and more tiles are available, we used just 2 from everything without mirroring).

  • Players are currently randomly assigned to either a Western or Eastern European-style and get their settlement and castle variations accordingly - later, this can be selected upon joining a world (we implemented the style feature but it does not affect the improvement selection, a feudum can have multiple style improvements)

  • There is now seasonal music and a new main theme

  • All items (Tile and Feudum’s cards, badges, effects, etc) are now auto-refreshing

  • Tile cards have been updated with more, context-sensitive information.  For example, on a working farmland, you can see the crop and livestock phases on the farm's portrait too if you're in the appropriate period. Tile Cards also show the current/maximum amount of workers, etc.

  • Feudum Cards have been redesigned a bit: the labor part shows a summary of the labor settings:  the amount of locals working, the requested minimal percentages and hard numbers and a progress bar behind each item showing the percentage of current assignments / total workspaces.

  • The tax dialog now shows the estimated amount of tax you'll get for the given level + the estimated effect on morale per tick.

  • Food Ration dialog now also has details and estimated effects.

  • Build Orders panel now cannot be opened on tiles where you can’t build at all. Build Cards have been updated with descriptions.

  • The Feudum Labor screen has been completely made over.

    • The green bar shows how much of your locals are working in that labor type (left) and how much space you have for that labor type at all (right). The green bar is a percentage between the two - the more filled it is, the more working space are assigned.

    • The hexagon shows the amount of tiles that are supporting the given work type.

    • Next to the lock you can specify the minimum amount of workers to be assigned here

    • Bottom, you can specify how much % of your total local population should work here

    • If you're on custom setting (happens when you changed anything), you can specify its length on the dropdown.

    • In the header, you can see your local population, how many of them are sitting idle, their morale and the efficiency modifier (based on morale). Efficiency has an effect on all yields.

  • Removed Tile Bubbles from the less relevant Tile Improvements to make the screen look cleaner.

  • Added Livestock and their rules to the game. Your farmers will now tend to livestock on your farms, giving you another source of food income. Livestock can be slaughtered (when the herd exceed a given size - so you won’t lose the whole herd. It’ll provide a lot of food but only happens once a year by default) and grown livestock may provide you Food through “Milking”; it is providing a relatively low output but may happen in several periods of the year.

  • Game Rules have been upgraded and set to be more relaxing (note: we may start Worlds with different settings and invite you to test them and give your valuable feedback in the next couple days, so don’t take this for granted :)).

  • Tile Queue now shows a bit more information about the items.

  • We’ve updated visibility rules until Fog of War is enabled in the game world (which will at least require the Diplomacy build). This will allow players to spy on each other: you can now check the Feudum and Tile Cards of other players, though you’re - of course - not allowed to change anything. Rule by learning, or so told the wise man.

Major Bug Fixes:    (Thanks for every report!)

  • Tile Cards, Feudum Cards and Resource Badges now properly shows the values (effects/yields) with more meaningful descriptions and the reported values were corrected and updated with seasonal yields (like harvesting crop, milking livestock, etc). Values are however rounded to integers for easier reading (while the server calculates with decimals, so you don’t lose precision under the hood)

  • Setting mine output is finally working and has a more usable screen than before.  Also has hints.

  • Feudum Cards now aggregate effects (all yields from the feudum tiles) and shows modifiers (like growth rate or morale) correctly.

  • Tile Queue (commands) is working properly now: commands don’t get stuck or disappear and you’re able to delete both local and server-verified commands without issues.

  • Dozens of smaller fixes on both the client and in the server code.

Known Issues & Workarounds:

  • Map Sometimes Disappearing: happens when you’re entering the game or intensely updating the map (like scrolling) in the very second the game is updated from the server.

    • Workaround: click on the minimap button and then go back to the game map. This will force a redraw on the map, giving it back to you :)

Elliott's picture
Servers down for a few minutes

Everyone may notice a brief server outage as we update the latest build. Should be back up and running in no time! Sorry for the inconvenience!