v0.6.1433 | Generic Discussion

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Elliott's picture
v0.6.1433 | Generic Discussion

Please pass along your thoughts and ideas here in this thread. Bug reporting should use the appropriate thread so we can keep like items together. Thank you!

OK, I started the new build

OK, I started the new build about 10 hours ago. I gave the order to build 2 farms, an extra village, a mine and a quarry. I just logged in for the first time after that. I find my people (20 in total) revolting, being stuck between half and quarter ration and having 0 gold and 0 food in total. Looks like something is wrong here.

11 of my 20 people were working in the field. I changed that so all 20 are working in the field now. I will check if I can achieve positive gold and food output with that.

Mat's picture
That was pretty much a bad

That was pretty much a bad starting strategy - with 20-25 people you just couldn't keep all of those running - it was too few people trying to run the farm. With morale in Revolting state,, you're having -80% efficiency, which is virtually like a strike - they barely did anything.

We could change the default settings so even in this case the vast majority of people would stick to work on the farm, but generally, the current settings favour step-by-step expansion rather than burst upgrades.

You can probably get out of that situation by setting tax to 0% for a couple dozen ticks. That would give enough morale boosts to get out of Revolting state then you'd see a large increase in production, which would let you change food ration back to normal. Once food rations are good, you can start increasing your tax again - just keep an eye on morale modifiers.

With all my people working in

With all my people working in the fields I'm still not producing enough food to feed everyone.

Thraxas's picture

Getting the right balance is certainly interesting. I've created a 2nd village 2 farms and a quarry reducing tax down to 17% then built the 2 villages up slowly and this worked fine ...
... until ...
I noticed that iron was going down slowly so I built one village bigger destroyed the other, destroyed the farm on the hill and moved to where the destroyed village was and built a mine.
This threw everything out - obviously wasnt a good idea - lack of food led to revolt and now I'm trying to get back. I'm trying to do this by setting tax to 0% and ration to starving then waiting for a food stock to build before I intend to slowly increase ration this will hopefully work before my coin stock runs out.

On the unbreakable server - name being a hostage to fortune imo - I've moved straight to close to this setup (2 farms 1 city 1 quarry 1 mine (set to gold prod) and tax at 15%) and it seems good to go ... nicely balanced.

Thraxas's picture
World 23 I managed to pull my

World 23 I managed to pull my 80 population who were revolting with no food stock back by setting to starving and waiting for food stock to build before moving to normal rations then slowly increase tax to get stable.

Unbreakable - I was stable with good stocks of food and only 15% tax went away for an hour came back to find it revolting and no food. That tactic of staving the population has failed here (my food seems to be null rather than 0 perhaps thats the issue) no food is ever produced even with 80 revolting population all in fields and no food ration and 0% tax.
Trying to pull back now by destroying all down to a small town and 1 farm - not hopeful.

Mat's picture
Hey, I just caught your farm

Hey, I just caught your farm through viewing your tile card on Unbreabkable before you destroyed it. It was having like -230 livestock (zombie cattles eating your food instead of producing it), which is clearly a bug on the server as it shouldn't go negative. That's probably the reason of your food issue in your treasury. Passed the info to Tessalar who is currently working on the server.

Please try to rebuild a new farm and see if you get positive livestock - and if you spot you have negatives again, let us know asap so we might find something in the logs.

On the unbreakable server I

On the unbreakable server I have a level 2 village instead of 2 level 1 villages. That works much better. But clearly there is something wrong here.

Upgraded my village on

Upgraded my village on unbreakable server to level 3. I loose both gold and food again with all my people working on the field. This makes the game unplayable.

Please make a quick fix for this and we will try again!

Mat's picture
Started a topic for it, which

Started a topic for it, which you can reach here . Please, join the discussion and share your thoughts!

(note: I am at the moment keeping 75 people well fed with 25 farmers on World 23, constantly producing extra food and a lot of coins - currently having over 14K and 18K respectively).

I started the world a few hours after you. The trick is that I keep them happy for the extra efficiency modifier - but it should work without that too, so long you're not on the very negative end of the modifiers, like in Revolting state. Always try to maintain a happy level before expanding your settlement(s)).

You can check my worker and feudum settings (tax level, etc) by "spying" on my feudum, revealing it's feudum and tile cards by selecting my tiles.



At some point in winter the game decided to slaughter my livestock. I only had 20 livestock per farm left. Only gained 2 livestock per farm in spring. I had way more then 22 livestock before the slaughter. This was a devastating blow in the milking department. Loosing way more food this way then I gained from the slaughter. The next winter the 2 livestock were slaughtered again hardly giving me any food. The next spring I suddenly have 58 livestock. So one year I get 2 extra livestock the next year I get 38 extra.

Is this a bug or am I missing something here? It certainly crashed my food to 0.

Hi! Slaughtering is part of

Hi! Slaughtering is part of the game mechanics. There is a command what you can use to set the amount you want to keep after the winter season. You can choose to keep everything of course and all your animals will be milking next spring. The command is not yet available unfortunately in the v1433 client,but hopefully you will not wait for too long to see it in your command panel. :)

Mat's picture
License to Kill

On the current worlds, farmers are automatically slaughtering livestock over 20 once a year (this is the current default). Whether they can slaughter all above 20 or they will save some depends on the available workers in the slaughtering phase. So if there are no farmers around, your livestock survive (until the next one). However, herds cannot grow over a certain amount either (currently 60).

As Tessalar mentioned, it will be customizable for farms in the close future.

OK good to know. But some

OK good to know. But some years you will have 22 livestock and other years 58. It always seems to be one of those 2 options. I do not know what causes that to happen and if that is supposed to happen. Just to let you guys know.

But with the current settings It's a very bad idea to slaughter livestock when you have the option. You will get far more milk then meat. So, I'm afraid slaughtering will always be a no go.

Elliott's picture

I think the amount of your herds is tied to the number of serfs you have assigned to the farm.

As for not slaughtering, I don't know about you but I need that meat in the dead of winter. I'm always in the "red" during the cold months.

My farms always have 100

My farms always have 100 serfs working on them. 150 of my people don't even have a job at all. But for some reason they do have coin to pay tax :)

In the current build always make sure you have enough food to survive the winter. If for some reasons you run into food problems either buy food on the market or lower food rations and tax value and burn your coin to get through the winter. Slaughtering livestock is a very bad decision with the current numbers you get from milking vs slaughtering.

Mat's picture
"My farms always have 100

"My farms always have 100 serfs working on them. 150 of my people don't even have a job at all. But for some reason they do have coin to pay tax :)"

While it's not really related to the game itself, serfs weren't slaves :) So don't being assigned to tasks for you doesn't mean they don't have their usual tasks and whatever they're making for a living. Not being assigned just means that you don't want anything from them in that timeframe they are supposed to work for their liege (as you pay for building something up and keeping it operational, but not really for the staff. It's a duty, not a paid job).

So the bottom line is: they have to pay their taxes from whatever else they are doing irrespective to anything else, my lord, or you must stature example by punishing them on the appropriate level.

Food rations vs morale

I want to discuss 2 things that are a bit related. Food rations and morale.

Food rations:

There are very big gaps between the food ration options. With half ration it is impossible to keep positive morale and a positive coin flow. Double ration consumes crazy amount of food. So with the current build I do not see any other option then 'normal ration'. The other options are a complete no go.

If the step size would be smaller there could be more valid options. In my current game I have too much population to feed them 'normal ratio' when I only get 2 livestock in spring. When I switch to half ration I have negative coin flow. So I am forced now to switch between the 2 options. And when I go to bed my feudum is screwed. When I would have the option of, lets say, 3 quarter ration that would give me positive food and coin production while keeping the lads happy.


When your morale is going up is will keep going up, when it is going down it keeps going down. This means you will move morale to 100% and then choose the tax setting that gives the smallest positive boost (18% tax, normal food rations gives +0.02% per turn). Negative morale will push you into a downward spiral because your people will become less and less productive in time.

Wouldn't it be better that morale moves to a certain percentage at certain settings. For example 15% tax + normal food rations equals 60% happiness. Is your current happiness lower it will slowly increase to that point, when it's higher it will slowly decrease to that point. This would create a much more fun and dynamic system. And it will also be a lot harder to determine how to run your feudum as optimal as possible.

Using my current game situation described in the food rations part as an example: When I set food rations to 'half ration' and tax to 4% I have positive food and coin flow. But morale is going down -0.36% per tick. But it will go down forever. If it would move to 70% morale and stick there that could be a viable option for me to choose.

Mat's picture
Thanks for both feedbacks and

Thanks for both feedbacks and especially for also providing suggestions! I think both question worth its own topic so I created one for them in the same thread - also gave my 2 pence on both topics there.