Phase 1

Topics related to the Phase 1 (Proof of Concept) development.

Development Phase 1 is over. We are now in Phase 2. 

World 35 dead

no response from World 35 here - think its dead

Single Feudum Build (v0.6.1444)

World 34

Feudum Summary Card shows the overall income outgoings to feudum - useful for adjusting population alloction to get a balanced economy - is misreporting.
I had assumed this showed the resource change in the last tick. This appears not to be the case. I am consistently seeing 0 iron income (occassionally flicks to 1 with no change by me) yet every tick I see my iron stock going up by 1.
Clicking on the iron tab again shows a zero income. I had hoped this would show all income and outgoings but this shows just the overall income.

Difference between the first gamer's choice and the crap

What is the difference between crap and the success? Well, seems to me that balance in management is not achieved and who knows how many days will pass until the aim is achieved.

Worker Distribution to 100% results display error

"When I set my food production worker distribution to 100% I get a display error on the feudum card showing this line."  (reported by Thraxas here).

Please anyone being able to reproduce this issue (Thraxas included :) ), drop us a line here and also attach a screenshot. We might either misunderstood the issue or cannot reproduce it.

Thank you!


Population Limit *CONFIRMED*

World 28

Level 4 town 300 population
Feudum population limit 180

v0.6.1433 | Morale

Moved from here, topic started by SandLover:

v.0.6.1433 | Food Rations

Moved from here, topic started by SandLover:

Mouse Wheel Scroll

I'm pretty sure this one isnt my imagination but does anyone notice than sometimes when using the mouse wheel to scroll in you instead get scrolled out?


Server Lag / World 25 dead?

I'm not sure whats going on but this morning when I go into Feudums I see no world cards to enter. If I click on MMO worlds I see no worlds. If however I click on private worlds then MMO worlds I see unbreakable and world 25.

I can enter world 25 and have put things in build queue but queue isnt moving and resources arnt updating ticker has stopped ticking - I think world is dead.

I can enter world unbreakable - this seems to still be running - I've added to build queues and these seem to count down as expected.


v0.6.1433 | Feudum Commands not to be tied to a hex

No way to change build order - problematic as tax changes are on the central hex I cant force a tax change while waiting for a city to finish building without cancelling the build. Tax changes etc imo should not be tied to a hex.

- Thraxas on this topic)


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