Week 14
Apologies for the small delay - I've had an inflammation of my right eye the past few days, paired with a pretty decent headache, so blogging (or just sitting in front of any display) was the last thing I could do. My eyes are still recovering, but hopefully I'm over of the hard part.
Last week has been, well, equally fruitful and frustrating. I was forced to spend the majority of last week outside of the project. This means that I barely had time to support Sándor and talk to the server guys - so I had no real progress on the client side or with the release. To counter this, I originally planned to spend the weekend working on the client (as that's about the time still missing for a release), but then my eyes decided to stage the coup d'etat on me.
On server side, though, we've managed to upload the platform code to the Cloud - so that's a goal for this week we met. There are still some issues with it, but the code is definitely up and for the most part, working. So we expect that in a few days it's ready for integration.
Weekly Status
Game Client
- Made tiny progress towards the release. :(
- Added some useful utility codes for the asset management & continued working on the Overview Map assets with Sándor.
The military company token on Overview. War is coming... eventually.
Platform & Game Server
- Steve was installing the server & platform code to our cloud server. The code is now running there and test clients can connect, but there are a few glitches to fix.
- Gabor was working on the admin pages for the platform/server instance so even non-techie guys like Mark could use them. :)
- They've made some bugfixes to the bugreport code and also tied it to discord (so a discord channel could automatically report discovered bugs through a webhook).
- No updates.
Next Step
There are three main goals for week 15.
- Ensuring that the live server is rock solid, then starting the site's transition to the Platform.
- ...release Offline CoA Creator...
- Starting to work on the Online CoA Creator (with saving, bug reporting, etc. - integrated to the now live platform).
See you next week!