
Jump Starting Your Feudum

You just downloaded and installed Feudums.  Shiny!  How do you get started?

"Growing" Your Feudum

Growing crops and feeding your people can be almost as hard as winning the game.

Warfare ABCs


Feudums will offer a unique and realistic approach to warfare.  Let's take a deep dive into the art of war!  

Medieval Mobility

To a person living today, no one gives travel a second thought.  But back in medieval times, most people never left the small area of land where they were born.  In fact, nearly all stayed within 20 miles of their home for their entire life.

Location, Location, Location


Your decisions on where to build your settlements and castles may be the difference between winning or losing.

The Medieval Pyramid

The Medieval Social Strata had a very familiar Egyptian shape... 

Building Your Feudum From the Ground Up

Your army came and conquered.  Now what?

Serfs Up!

Any successful modern business person will tell you that a company’s employees are its greatest resource.  Back in medieval days, it wasn’t any different.  Well okay, it was a lot different because employees were called serfs and they weren’t paid. And didn’t have medical care.  Or time off.  But that doesn’t mean they weren’t important.

Forging Worlds

So who's ready to learn about map-related settings, basic terrain types, rivers, and their most important in-game effects.
