
Coat of Arms: Wearing Your Story

Coat of Arms

In the Middle Ages, a noble’s coat of arms did more than decorate a shield or manor house; it told everyone a story. 

This article has been updated based on the 2019 May Vanguard release.

Family Matters

Family Matters

An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship Spanish Proverb

What Makes Feudums Tick?

The Anatomy of a Turn-Based MMO

Vassals:  The Secret of Your Success

Oath of Fealty

It’s no secret how to claim the crown in Feudums:  You just need to make “friends” the medieval way!

Paths to Victory

Paths to Victory

There will be nothing cookie-cutter about Feudums. Right from the beginning, players will find Feudums to be anything but a standard AAA game. From the moment you step into our game, you'll find things a lot different - and better! Let’s take a closer look at how you can win the game and lay claim to the crown!

Last updated in September 2020.

Castle and Settlement Themes

Visual Themes

Our resident artist has been busy creating five different variations that players may choose from when beginning a game. Check it out!

Warfare ABCs


Feudums will offer a unique and realistic approach to warfare.  Let's take a deep dive into the art of war!  

Medieval Mobility

To a person living today, no one gives travel a second thought.  But back in medieval times, most people never left the small area of land where they were born.  In fact, nearly all stayed within 20 miles of their home for their entire life.

Location, Location, Location


Your decisions on where to build your settlements and castles may be the difference between winning or losing.

The Medieval Pyramid

The Medieval Social Strata had a very familiar Egyptian shape... 


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